D5 Render for Teams: The Industry-leading Collaborative Architecture/Design/Visualization Tool

D5 Render for Teams: The Industry-leading Collaborative Architecture/Design/Visualization Tool

D5 Render, a global leader in 3D real-time rendering solutions, has revolutionized the AEC industry with the launch of its groundbreaking collaboration platform – D5 Render for Teams. This marks the first-ever introduction of a hybrid collaboration model into 3D real-time rendering work, aiming to enhance the efficiency and centralization of B-end users in executing various creative design tasks.

Available at an annual subscription of $708, design teams can leverage innovative collaborative features, streamlining their creative workflows. These includes:


Secure Team Library

Design teams can create and deploy their own material libraries within a local area network environment. Customizable permissions ensure the security of digital assets while providing easy access to a diverse range of resources.

Multi-editor Editing

This empowers every designer in the team to access project files in real-time from the project library. The platform’s working sets foster seamless, simultaneous collaboration, enabling designers to specify editable sections and facilitate local saving. This is a game-changer in promoting team synergy and efficiency.

Member Management

This feature simplifies the onboarding process with an easy-to-use interface for member invitations, seat allocation, and role permissions configuration. The intuitive background dashboard provides real-time tracking of project progress, team member count, and project implementations, ensuring effective and efficient project management.

Presets & Cloud Workspace

D5 Studio enhances the platform by providing a robust 100GB cloud workspace. This allows designers to construct and amass a wealth of presets and efficiency tools. Sharing preset parameters within the team not only promotes collaboration but also boosts overall design proficiency. Additionally, the platform includes 100GB of free cloud storage for preset parameter resources, further enriching the design process.

Real-time Comments and More

Revolutionizes your review and feedback process with real-time collaboration. D5 Render for Teams empowers team members to create comments with images and anchor points, facilitating precise and targeted feedback anywhere within the project.