Introducing ZW3D 2025: Embark on a Seamless Journey from Design to Manufacturing

Introducing ZW3D 2025: Embark on a Seamless Journey from Design to Manufacturing

ZWSOFT is thrilled to announce the official release of ZW3D 2025. This new version of 3D design solutions introduces a host of new features and significant enhancements with cutting-edge technology including AI, designed to boost efficiency and accelerate creativity while enhancing precision throughout the product development process.

From part design through assembly design, motion simulation, structural simulation, 2D drawing output to machining, ZW3D 2025 ensures a streamlined workflow that transforms creative visions into reality with unmatched ease and accuracy.

Jessie Tan, Go-to-Market Manager of ZW3D, stated, “In this release, we’ve not only enhanced the functionality and efficiency of common modules such as modelling, assembly, and 2D drawings but also introduced motion simulation and AI experiences to help engineers achieve better designs in less time and stay focused on product innovation.”

She added, “ZW3D has always been committed to providing an All-in-One CAx solution that enables users to adopt simulation-driven designs earlier and output the best CNC machining solutions, thereby reducing product time to market, improving product quality, and reducing manufacturing costs.”