ProLogium Opens the World’s First Giga-level Solid-State Lithium Ceramic Battery Factory

ProLogium Opens the World’s First Giga-level Solid-State Lithium Ceramic Battery Factory

On January 23rd, ProLogium Technology, a global leader in solid-state battery innovation, inaugurated its Taoke factory, marking a significant milestone in the battery industry. The event, attended by esteemed guests including Chief Secretary of Ministry of Economic Affairs Chih-Ching Yang, the Director of the French Office in Taipei Franck Paris, and Taoyuan City Mayor Shan-zheng Zhang, along with a French delegation from Dunkirk, celebrated the opening of the world’s pioneering Giga-scale solid-state lithium ceramic battery facility. Key strategic partners, including Mercedes-Benz, POSCO, FEV, Arkema, and banks from both Taiwan and France, were also present to witness this historic moment.

A highlight of the event was the unveiling of 106Ah solid-state battery manufactured with high-silicon anode at the facility, designed for electric vehicles. ProLogium not only showcased its proprietary manufacturing technology for solid-state batteries but also highlighted the commercial viability of the next-generation battery structure.

“After 17 years of dedicated effort, ProLogium is thrilled to present next-generation solid-state batteries to the world. The Time is Now,” said Vincent Yang, the founder and CEO of ProLogium. “Our journey has been a testament to overcoming existing technological barriers and innovating new structures, leading to a fundamental transformation in cell structure and process design. We have overcome the bottlenecks in traditional batteries and this breakthrough combines performance, cost efficiency, and resource circulation, manifesting a new universe for the battery industry. Looking ahead, ProLogium is set to globally promote the achievements of the Taoke factory, propelling the industrialization of solid-state batteries and supporting global automakers and governments in their quest for net-zero emissions.”

The Taoke factory, with a planned capacity of 2GWh based on market demand, is poised to supply batteries for up to 26,000 electric vehicles[1]Since late 2023, the facility has commenced production and plans to distribute high-capacity solid-state batteries for electric vehicles worldwide. This facility is not only a demonstration factory for future global expansion, particularly in Dunkirk, France, but also a significant contributor to the local economy in Taoyuan, potentially creating 1,200 jobs.

Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Chih-Ching Yang stated: “I am very pleased to participate in today’s grand opening of the new Taoke Plant, witnessing a milestone in solid-state battery technology. The Ministry of Economic Affairs pays significant attention to the domestic and international deployment of ProLogium. The most important thing for a company is to maximize its investment value, which involves establishing a demonstration plant. The materials, processes and economic benefits of ProLogium’s solid-state batteries will be demonstrated at the Taoke Plant, and then ProLogium may expand these achievements globally and connect with the global supply chain. We eagerly anticipate these outcomes and look forward to the flourishing development of ProLogium. ”

Taoyuan City Mayor Shan-zheng Zhang said: “I am delighted that ProLogium has selected Taoyuan Science Park as its base. Our city’s industry, technology, and land provide plenty of opportunities for ProLogium to excel. The next step for ProLogium is to expand globally, with France being the first stop. This move is an excellent choice for both industrial development and achieving net-zero carbon emissions. I am thrilled to witness such a milestone with everyone and extend my congratulations to both ProLogium and France on this new beginning. ”

The Taoke factory will continue to advance its technology, achieving the “P-C-R Next-Generation Solid-State Battery” solution. This new battery structure not only ensures a high level of safety but also paves the way for continuous improvements in lithium battery performance. Future advancements in materials are anticipated to further enhance driving range, maximize resource utilization, and reduce costs, striking an optimal balance between “Performance,” “Cost,” and “Resource Circulation.”

Breaking the industry’s previous perception of solid-state battery production is highly challenging and costly, ProLogium has continued expanding production capacity while consistently upgrading through process iterations for commercially competitive solid-state batteries. The Taoke factory’s output efficiency[2] is 2.6 times greater than its original facility, with doubled assembly speed and innovative manufacturing technologies, i.e., solid-state electrolytes made by continuous wet coating without the process of liquid electrolyte injection, soaking and degassing. This improves production efficiency and quality and reduces manufacturing costs. ProLogium has successfully overcome the challenges that solid-state batteries have faced in terms of mass production and economics, reaching a scale where manufacturing costs can be lowered to the same level as mainstream batteries.

In addition, among ProLogium’s patented technologies, there are hundreds of techniques designed with the goal of improving product yield, covering cell structure and process design. In terms of cell structure, ProLogium’s original “Logithium™” structure and corresponding process have successfully improved the potential yield issue of solid-state batteries, and greatly enhanced the accuracy of alignment and cathode and anode attaching during the manufacturing process. Currently, the company has achieved a yield target of 99.9% for single-layer cells on the trial production line, and the Taoke factory continues to optimize yield based on this goal.

France has included ProLogium in the “France 2030″ plan and the preparation for the Dunkirk factory is progressing well. The smooth progress of the first phase public concertation for the construction of the gigafactory in Dunkirk, France, and the official inclusion of ProLogium in the “France 2030″ plan, reaffirm that ProLogium aligns with the French government’s vision of developing energy-efficient transportation. Franck Paris, Director of the French Office in Taipei, expectantly stated, “ProLogium has put Taiwan on France’s map and put France on Taiwan’s map.” Franck Paris, Director of the French Office in Taipei stated, “I am thrilled to be part of the story, a success story of Taiwan, a story of innovation, creativity and transformation and disruption. He further added, ” We are thrilled to be part of the story, a French and Taiwanese success story, a story of innovation, creativity and transformation and disruption.

I want to thank ProLogium for choosing France to expand their production line and extend my gratitude to everyone who played a role in making this project happen. The French government will provide full support to ProLogium. Today’s grand opening is significant not just about business but also represents the potential of TaiwanFrance cooperation and our role as leaders in the global green economy.  “