Repurchase of Truecaller B shares in week 35, 2024

Repurchase of Truecaller B shares in week 35, 2024

During 26 August 2024 and 30 August 2024 Truecaller AB (publ) (LEI code 549300TEYF1FA5G5GK26) has repurchased in total 190,000 own B shares (ISIN: SE0016787071) as part of the share buyback programme initiated by the board of directors.

The share buybacks form part of the share buyback programme announced by Truecaller on 28 May 2024. The share buyback programme will run between 28 May up until the 2025 AGM which will be held in May 2025, and is carried out in accordance “Emittentregelverket”.

On the Annual General Meeting 2024 the Board was authorized to buy back B-shares up until the Annual General Meeting in 2025. The new authorization means that buybacks may be made so that the company’s shareholding does not exceed ten (10) percent of the total number of shares in the company outstanding as of the date of the annual general meeting.


Aggregated daily
volume (number of

Weighted average share
price per day (SEK):

Total daily transaction
value (SEK):

26 August 2024

30 000


1 089 117

27 August 2024

50 000


1 809 692

28 August 2024

30 000


1 072 729

29 August 2024

50 000


1 769 444

30 August 2024

30 000


1 069 780

Total accumulated over week 35/2024

190 000


6 810 762

Total accumulated during the buyback program

2 397 832


83 275 385

All acquisitions have been carried out on Nasdaq Stockholm by Carnegie on behalf of Truecaller.

Following the above acquisitions. Truecaller’s holding of own shares amounts to 2,397,832 B shares and 5,600,000 C-shares as of 30 August 2024, which corresponds to 2.41% of the outstanding capital.

The total number of shares in Truecaller, including own shares, now amounts to 353,040,414 and the number of outstanding shares, excluding own shares, amounts to 344,542,582.